

欢迎来到C-N学生活动!  我们鼓励您在与我们在一起的时候融入全球最大的博彩平台,以获得更充实和完整的卡森-纽曼体验. 在卡森-纽曼,找到你的部落并为你所关心的目标而共同努力并不难. There are SO many ways for you to get involved, and we know your investment will not only impact your current C-N community for the better, 但会让你发展技能, networks, 这种关系将伴随你整个大学生活,甚至在毕业后很长一段时间. 

学生活动部门致力于为学生创造创新的机会,让他们参与到卡森-纽曼的体验中, invest in the sociocultural fabric of their community, 精神上的成长, 智力, culturally, 在社会上,通过有意地发展他们的天赋和目标,以充分发挥他们的潜力.

Ranging from theatre to business leadership to worship, C-N offers over 40 student organizations for you to choose from. 与业内专业人士建立联系, 当地社区的部长, or just have fun and relax with that activity that interests you. And if you don’t find a club that’s right up your alley, no problem—just start one! 我们高度鼓励和支持学生主动为你创造最好的体验.  No matter the focus of the organization you choose, each group provides a space for students to form relationships, 就留下美好的记忆, and gain experiences that they will enjoy and draw from for the rest of their lives! 

从你踏入校园的那一天起, you’ll have the opportunity to get involved in your choice of club. So whether the focus is math or interior design, you’ll find a welcoming community that’s eager to have you join their cause.




The 学生会协会 (SGA) represents the interests, concerns, 和卡森-纽曼学生团体的想法,并协助确定塑造他们的大学经历的政策和文化. 作为一名C-N的学生,你的声音很重要. 在Instagram上与SGA联系


我们让乐趣发生! 卡森-纽曼是一个活跃的校园社区,全年安排各种各样的活动和事件. 老鹰制作公司, known as EPC, 促进归属感, fun, connection, and development through campus events like Movies-on-the-Lawn, Spirit Week, 学院街庆典, and more! 在Instagram上与EPC联系 @cnepc


Experiencing God through Love, Worship, Community, and Service! 浸信会大学事工 (BCM) builds Christian community through worship, discipleship, 团契及服务. 他们每周聚会做礼拜, invest in community and discipleship through weekly small groups, and organize mission trips and service activities for students to be a part of! 在Instagram上和BCM联系 @cnbcm


迎合过去的学生, present, future, SAA与校友和捐赠者一起参加活动,以尊重和尊严的方式服务和代表在校生. 在Instagram上与SAA联系 @cn_saa


该组织的宗旨是表彰第一代大学生的学术成就, 培养学术热情, 提升领导力, 并为大学各分会的第一代学生提供支持网络.


一个戏剧荣誉协会,表彰那些在戏剧和, through the expansion of Alpha Psi Omega among colleges and universities, providing fellowship for those interested in theatre. The society is not intended to take the place of any regular theatre clubs or producing groups, 但是随着学生资格的提高, they may be rewarded by election to membership in this society.


C-NAFCS是一个专业组织,致力于将人们聚集在一起,改善个人的生活, 家庭和社区. C-NAFCS为FCS学生提供了社交和智力成长的机会,同时通过专业发展和网络机会对未来的职业充满抱负.

浸信会大学事工 (BCM) builds Christian community through worship, discipleship, 团契及服务.


Tri Beta促进了对生物科学学术成就和研究的兴趣,并在生命科学学生中传播信息和新的解释.

也被称为卡利欧派社团, Chi Lambda Sigma contributes to the refinement of the individual in mind, 身体和精神通过节目, 服务项目和社会情况.

Promoting excellence in the profession of counseling by recognizing counseling scholarship, research, 领导与实践.

大学共和党人 promotes the principles of the Republican Party at C-N, aids in the election of Republican candidates at all levels of government, assists in the functioning of the Republican Party at local, 州级和国家级, 培养共和党学生的政治技巧和领导能力,为将来为党和社区服务做准备.

Delta Omicron fosters 团契及服务 through music for our department and community, as well as an awareness of the growing music community and love for music as a whole.

“我们让乐趣发生!考虑到他们的同学, EPC schedules a variety of programs including concerts, campus activities and other major events each year. 它是C-N的学生规划委员会,实际上是学生活动办公室的主要规划部门. 由学生领导和管理, EPC提供了许多参与的方式, as well as many exciting activities for fellow students.

FCA利用教练和运动员的影响力向卡森-纽曼校园分享福音. 我们也努力鼓励门徒训练,为信徒创造一个鼓励和支持的社区.

第一代社区的目的是为第一代学生创造归属感, provide helpful resources to bridge experience gaps, and develop connections among first-generation students.

Gamma Beta Phi Society is a national honors and service society. Our watchwords are service, scholarship and character. 我们的目标是拓宽我们会员的学术和慈善生活,使他们毕业时准备在世界上有所作为.

The purpose of the 伽马射线艺术学会 is to be a fun, inclusive, social group for all students regardless of major. 不需要艺术才能.


Further enrich education with a focus on kitchen and bath, 住宅及商业设计, 通过与该领域的专业人士建立联系, 通过与设计相关的项目为社区服务,并鼓励小组参与和合作,使学生具备团队建设技能.


Kappa Epsilon Mu focuses on community outreach with an emphasis on the physical sciences.

Kappa Omicron Nu是一个国家荣誉协会,致力于表彰和鼓励优秀的奖学金, research, and leadership in family and consumer sciences. 使命是授权领导者. Kappa Beta Xi Chapter shall promote scholarship and encourage intellectual development; promote research and foster the spirit of inquiry; confer distinction for high achievement; promote leadership development; stimulate student and faculty dialogue; enrich the intellectual environment of higher education institutions; encourage high standards of practice and ethical behavior; and promote attitudes of professional responsibility for the public good.

Mortar Board recognizes college seniors for their exemplary scholarship, leadership and service.

苔藓溪狂人 supports C-N athletics and builds community among students.

α Theta促进历史的学习,为学生提供一个安全的地方来讨论我们社会中发生的事件.

这个俱乐部的目的是授权和支持当前的西班牙裔学生拥抱他们的根,希望增加西班牙裔学生在卡森-内曼的数量. 这个俱乐部将寻求促进多样性和文化意识的机会卡森纽曼的学生和工作人员.

改革宗大学团契(RUF)是一个校园事工,向不同背景的大学生传讲耶稣基督的盼望. College is a time when beliefs are explored, decisions are made, and lives are changed. We invite students into authentic relationships and the study of God’s Word. 通过联合革命阵线部, 学生发现基督的爱, find their significance in God’s redemptive story, 并参与他的教会生活.

“放松与创造力俱乐部”通过编织等艺术项目,利用创造力来缓解压力, painting, 写歌等等. 不需要天赋!

专为讲西班牙语的人和学生设计,以便他们聚集在一起,更多地了解西班牙裔社区, 会员们参加并主持文化丰富活动,如历史节日,以增进对周围文化的了解, as well as engage in Hispanic community development by participating in service projects.


迎合过去的学生, present, future. 我们是C-N在校学生的校园活动的一部分,并与校友和捐助者一起参加某些活动. Our job is to be campus leaders and represent C-N with great respect and dignity.

SAAC是一个服务和筹款组织,由每个C-N运动队的指定代表组成. SAAC参与了Be The Match等服务活动,并为救灾筹款,以及全年为Make-A-Wish筹集资金.

学生商业领袖 assist in the professional, 为对商业感兴趣的大学生提供教育和社会发展,并为对商业领域积极感兴趣的大学生提供协会,鼓励企业高管之间的互动, 商学院的老师和学生们.

该俱乐部的目的是为牙科预科学生提供必要的信息,以成功地走向牙科学校,同时培养社区服务意识和领导能力. 会员将互相分享经验和知识,以实现进入牙科学校的共同目标.


The 学生护理协会 aids in the development of the whole person, 他/她在各行各业人民保健方面的专业作用和责任, establishes cohesiveness between students and faculty and provides cooperation, 沟通与组织.

Providing professional development opportunities for future TN teachers, 学生田纳西州教育协会建立教育执照学生之间的社区意识.

全球最大的博彩平台美国退伍军人学生分会的主要任务是提供支持, resources, 以及对退伍军人的支持, 服务人员, 和符合条件的家属目前注册为全球最大的博彩平台的学生,以确保他们在高等教育中取得成功. Contact organization advisor, Pat Bivens, for more information. 办公室:865-471-4089邮箱:



多元化的小团体, The Village seeks to help promote diversity through worship style, 事件结构, 并且严格以学生为乐. 创始人,吉娜·斯科特和T.J. Bryant, strive to not only bring African American culture to the campus, 同时也希望能告知同学们, faculty, and the community of the cultural diversity that is represented on campus. 不仅仅是一小群人, The Village aspires to create collaborative events that promote minority awareness, 在社区做义工, and promoting a genuine atmosphere for all students to feel comfortable to join and share.



YAFE致力于启发和教育C-N社区有关多元文化特征的问题,使我们每个人都与众不同. YAFE also seeks to facilitate the development of a respectful, 在包罗万象的校园文化中,我们明白生活不在于“我们是什么”,而在于“我们是谁”.

提供一个框架,以促进在沙龙会议上通过的美国青年争取自由的一般原则, 9月11日康涅狄格州, 1960, 这个组织的C-N分会举办教育活动,提供保守的领导,并实现沙龙声明中概述的目标, 同时帮助学生努力理解和促进校园和周围社区的保守主义.

《正规博彩网站排名》邀请孩子们跟随基督, care for them regardless of their response and change lives in the process.
